Most Common Neurological Conditions

The human nervous system is similar to the computer’s processing system. Any problem that affects the computer’s processing unit affects the whole functionalities of a computer system. This is the same case with the human’s nervous system. A diseased nervous system adversely affects the information processing and transmission functions of the brain. This has a chaotic and long standing negative impact on the entire human’s system.

Nervous system classification

The human’s nervous system can broadly be classified into two broad classifications; the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Central nervous system comprises of the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves and the ganglia.

The peripheral nervous system comprises of nerves such as visceral nervous system, cranial nerves, sensory system, and the somatic nervous system. Unlike the central nervous system that is protected and encased within the safety of the brain blood barrier, the spine’s bones system, and the skull, the various nerves sub-system of the peripheral nervous system lies on the outskirt of the primary skeletal structures in the human system. This system is more venerable to toxins and injuries as it is not well protected. The nervous system diseases affect both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system, although differently.

Most common neurological conditions

Nervous system conditions are as a result of health issue such as autoimmune disorders, traumas, infections, genetic conditions, cellular degenerations, structural defects, tumors and mechanical injuries. There are some diseases that directly affect the human nervous system, for instance, rabies while there are others that start as a disease in some specific body organ and eventually affect the whole nervous system. However, the causes and signs of the neurological disorders in humans vary depending on the various underlying medical conditions. Some neurological conditions are caused by genetic factors while others are age-related. Below is an analysis of some of the most common neurological conditions.


Epilepsy is a very common neurological condition and when a person suffering from it will experience recurring and constant seizures. Epilepsy is associated with abnormal electrical impulses in the brain and that inhibit the normal coordinated use of the victim’s muscles. It can be divided into two wide classifications; idiopathic epilepsy and secondary epilepsy. Its causes are varied, but the most common ones are due to head trauma, heredity or infection.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

This is also referred to as dementia. Its symptoms include the following; memory loss, confusion, personality change, and disorientation. If you find yourself staring at walls, not responding when talked to, or feeling disoriented or walking in circles in familiar environment, it may be attributed to senile dementia. Such neurological conditions as brain tumors may cause behavioral changes in victims. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome symptoms are such as unexplainable stiff muscles, tremors, difficult in balancing and walking and jerking movements. This condition is mostly hereditary and usually affects the victim while still young.

Hepatic Encephalopathy

This is a degenerative neurological condition that comes as a result of severe hepatic insufficiency in victims suffering from advanced liver disease. Staggering, tremors, coma-like state, hysteria are some of the symptoms noticed in a person suffering from this condition.